09:30 am Arrival of guests
09:35 SIU Film Screening
9:41 am Invocation Song
9:43 am Guests to be escorted to the Dias
9:45 am Lighting of the lamp
9:47 am Welcome Address by Prof. VikramSampath, Director, Symbioisis School of Media and Communication
9:55 am Felicitation of Chief Guest Padma BhushanShriAnupamKher by Dr. S.B Mujumdar, Honorable Chancellor, Symbiosis International University.
9:56 am Felicitation of Dr. S.B Mujumdar, Chancellor, Symbiosis International University and Mrs. Mujumdar, Honorable Director, Dr. BabasahebAmbedkar Museum and Memorial By Prof. Vikram Sampath, Director SSMC B
9:57 am Address by Dr. S.B Mujumdar, Chancellor, Symbiosis International University
10:15 am Launch of yearbook by Dr. S.B Mujumdar, Chancellor, Symbiosis International University
10:17 am Launch of SSMC Website by Mr. Anupam Kher
10:20 am Vote of Thanks by the Student Council President
10:30 am- 11:50 am Key Note Address : “The power of Failure” by Mr. Anupam Kher
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Clean Practice Communication:Bring it Back! By Brand Expert Mr. Harish Bijoor (Includes 15 minutes of Q&A with the audience.)
1:20 pm – 2: 10 pm LUNCH
2:20 pm – 3:20 pm Inquisition Preliminary Round (Cafeteria)
3:20 pm – 4:20 pm Introduction to Broadcast Audience Research Council (BARC) and its role in the TV Broadcast System by Mr. Elbert Dsilva, AVP, Business Development , BARC
4:20 pm – 5:15 pm Creativity as a process of connecting the dots by best-selling author Mr. Ashwin Sanghi ( includes 15 minutes of Q&A with the audience)
5:15 pm – 5:55 pm Talk on Entrepreneurship by Abhash Kumar, YOUR STORY
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Just A Minute (JAM)
7:20 pm - 8:20 pm Music as a means of communication by Mr. Raghu Dixit
Day Two: 13th February
10:00 am - 10:45 am Panel Discussion: 'Do adverts stimulate an excessively consumerist society or are they irrelevantintoday's world of e-commerce?': Ms.Ganga Ganapathi (VP & Head of Office, SOHO Square),Mr.Ajay Gupta (Founder & Director Business at Circuit 9 Communications Pvt. Ltd. &PR9Communications Pvt. Ltd.) and Mr. Daleep Manhas (GM Healthcare) & Associate VP McCannIndia)Moderated by: Mr. Rakesh Khanna (Brand Consultant, Copywriter and Advertising Trainer. Current- SpawnCommunications)
10:45 am - 11:45 am Talk by Mr. Shekhar Gupta
11:45 am - 12:30 pm Panel Discussion: 'Media 3.0 and the multiplicity of stakeholders that PR and CorpCommprofessionals address today': Mr. Senjam Raj Sekhar (Head- Corp Comm, Flipkart), Mr.Parikshat Wadhwani (Parikshat Wadhwani PR and BrandConsultants) :Moderated by Mr. K.S. Narahari (Senior Consultant, The Practice; Former Director,Corporate Communications, Texas Instruments)
12:30 pm - 01:30 pm LUNCH
01:30 pm - 02:30 pm This Unquiet land- A journalist's take on the fault lines in contemporary India by Ms. Barkha Dutt
02:30 pm - 03:30 pm Panel Discussion: 'Does the Fourth Estate conform to ethics and self-censorship or does it needan ombudsman?':Ms. Vasanthi Hariprakash (Television and radio personality and a news-features contributor for BBCNews online), Mr. T.M Veeraraghav (The Hindu), Ms. Rohini Swami (TV Today Network), Mr. Harish Upadhya (NewsX) : Moderated by Mr. M.A. Deviah (FirstPost)
03:30 pm - 04:30 pm In conversation with authors Ms. Shinie Antony and Ms. Preeti Shenoy: 'The Language of Love: A Valentine Day Special'!
04:30 pm - 05:15 pm INQUIZITION FINALS
05:15 pm - 06:15 pm ASHRU DHARA – Tears of Flowing Water: A Classical Dance Performance by Smt. Lata Surendra
06:15 pm Closing Ceremony & Distribution of Prizes to contest winners